Sunday May 03 2020 – The Armor of GOD series – The Shield of Faith

Sunday May 03 2020 - The Armor of GOD series - The Shield of Faith

The Armor of GOD series - The Shield of Faith

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EFBC Worship – May 26, 2020 – Armor of GOD series – Feet of Peace

Join us for an amazing series on the Armor of GOD! This week Interim Pastor Terry Wright will be discussing the Feet of Peace.

EFBC Worship – 4/26/2020 – Interim Pastor Terry Wright – Armor of GOD series – Feet of Peace – HD

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Sunday April 26 2020 – The Armor of GOD series – the Feet of Peace

Other Recent Sermons

May 2, 2020 – Digital Sunday School – A Series on the book of Habakkuk

May 2, 2020 – Virtual Sunday School – A Series on the book of Habakkuk

With Youth Pastor Cody Snow

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Other Recent Sermons

Sunday School – Cody Snow – Series on the Book of JOB (Part 3)

Sunday School – Cody Snow – Series on the Book of JOB (Part 3)

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A Series on the Book of JOB – Part 3 – Interlude of Wisdom and Elihu’s Speech

Other Recent Sermons

Sunday School – Cody Snow – Series on the Book of JOB (Part 2 – The Dialog Cycles)

Sunday School – Cody Snow – Series on the Book of JOB (Part 2 – The Dialog Cycles)

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Sunday School – Cody Snow – Series on the Book of JOB (Part 2 – The Dialog Cycles)

Other Recent Sermons

April 5, 2020 – Sunday School – The Book of Job

April 5, 2020 – Sunday School – The Book of Job

Audio Only

April 5, 2020 – Sunday School – A Series on the book of Job

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July 2018 Newsletter

EFBC July 2018 Newsletter

My Dear People,
I arrived at church this morning thinking that the construction workers would begin framing the foundation for our new building and it began to rain. So, another delay. The new building and all of life is dependent on God’s timing not ours. Your contributions to the Building Fund are greatly appreciated. These monies are not just for a building but are going toward building God’s Kingdom. The new education building will enable us to reach more people and disciple them in the word of God. Thank you for your faithful gifts.
As I write this our youth (16 youth and 5 sponsors) are in the cool mountains of Glorieta, New Mexico. We will hear reports of their trip this coming Sunday, July 1 in the morning worship. Please continue to pray for our youth and Cody and thank Cody for the great job he is doing.
It is hard to believe that Vacation Bible School is only a week away. Join me in praying that this year’s Bible School will be the best we have ever had – in teaching the word and the salvation of boys and girls plus the crafts, music, and games. VBS is always an exciting time for our boys and girls as well as the adult workers. As you know I am a product of a lady taking me and my brother to Vacation Bible School where we heard the good news of Jesus for the first time. As a result, my parents and my brother and I were saved. At nine years of age I had never been in the church or heard of Jesus. Through Vacation Bible School I was introduced to Jesus and my life’s direction and goals changed. Please pray about who you should bring to VBS. Even if you are not working in VBS you can bring children. They will have a blast and hear about Jesus each evening. Vacation Bible School begins on Sunday, July 8 and runs through Thursday, July 12 from 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM. We will kick this year’s school off Sunday evening at 5:00 PM with a hot dog supper. It is all free. Please tell Pam Montague and Kristi Morris thank you for all their hard work in organizing this year’s school. Please pray daily for our workers and the boys and girls.
Blessings, Pastor Gene

Youth - Cody's Chronicles

Greetings Church family!
I simply cannot believe that it is already July! Summer is now in full swing and so are summer activities. This month will be packed full of summer activities for the youth.
Sunday July 15th we will be leaving to Corpus Christi for our mission trip and will return on Friday July 20th. We will be holding a VBS for a small church in Corpus, as well as doing some service projects and community outreach. Please do not forget to sign up as soon as possible. I am really looking forward to this very different experience for our group.
On Sunday evenings we will be continuing our study on “How to Read The Bible”. We will be taking a look at the books of Judges, Samuel, Kings and looking at how the stories and characters in these books and stories connect together and connect to the story of the Bible as a whole. We will also begin working on understanding the different archetypes of Biblical books, such as the difference between historical books and wisdom literature, or how the prophetic books relate to the historical books.
July ended our study on wisdom. It was a good study and I hope that the students got a lot from it. We will now be starting a study on my absolute favorite topic, apologetics. With today’s culture and ideas, it has become increasingly difficult to stand firm in the faith (1 Corinthians 16:13; Colossians 2:8). As a result, on Wednesday nights we will be discussing many different concepts and ideas that are hostile and prevalent in our society today, especially for teens. We will discuss not only why we hold certain convictions, but also how to talk about them with others in truth, gentleness, and love.
“But in your hearts revere Christ as LORD. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentle-ness and re-spect,” – 1 Peter 3:15

Misty's Notes...

This is the day that The Lord has made….
Let’s choose to rejoice and be glad in it! We have much to celebrate!

One of my new favorite songs is a song by Josh Wilson. It’s called Dream Small. I encourage you to look it up and give it a good listen. I think you’ll like not only the sound of it but if you listen carefully to the lyrics I know you’ll get it and rejoice in the small things! For as the song encourages us, Just let Jesus use you where you are! So many times we’re looking to do big things but miss the importance of doing the little things that over time end up being the big things! So… Dream Small!

CHRISTMAS IN JULY! You better believe it! The choir and drama team will begin working on Christmas on July 18th! Come join us as this year we will be presenting “Welcome To Bethlehem!” I think you’ll be glad you did!

For the choir we will not have practice until July 18th as I will be traveling with our youth this Wednesday and the next Wednesday is the 4th and the following one is VBS! So after a much deserved break please be there on July 18th ready to sing and serve! We will still be singing during the morning worship time! So please be there as well.

Thank you all so much for your prayers for our sweet daughter Kati. We are so gratefully humbled and happy to tell you that after radiation her report is that there are no signs of cancer! Praise God and Thank You Jesus! We truly give Him all the praise!

Have a Blessed Month,


Ladies come join us for an evening of                                                      

Fun, Food and Fellowshiip

Tuesday, July 17th    6:00 PM

  EFBC Fellowship Hall

Ladies—this is the perfect time to relax and            enjoy some good food and fellowship. We are asking      that everyone bring some type of picnic food.           

If you  have any questions, please contact Pam Montague.

Pam’s e-mail address is pam.montague AT

October 5th-7th In San Antonio

Ladies, Women of Joy is October 5th—7th and the  deadline to sign-up and pay your $25 nonrefundable deposit to Pam Montague  is Sunday, July 1st. The total cost  per person with 4 people to a room is $229,  which covers your ticket to attend  the conference and 2 nights stay in the hotel. We will  be staying  in the Grand Hyatt San Antonio (Deluxe). Spaces are limited.  If you would like  to attend  or if you  have any questions, please  contact Pam Montague  or email her at pam.montague AT .