Sunday 12/26/21 Service Canceled

Eternal Faith Baptist Church

Covid Update

Sunday, DEC 26, 2021 Services Canceled

You know last week we had to postpone our Christmas play because of Covid cases. Unfortunately, Covid continues to spread. We now have 10 confirmed cases across multiple families. Thankfully, as of right now, the cases do not appear to be severe. However, in light of the fact we have a large exposure, and the number of  cases continues to rise, we will not be meeting for Christmas Eve, Sunday the 26th, or Wednesday the 29th. 


The goal of these cancellations is allow this outbreak to run its course and be ready to meet back together on Sunday, January 2nd. 


I know many of you will be disappointed and that many of you look forward to the Christmas Eve service each year, and I want you to know I am sorry we are taking this step.  


I will be posting a Christmas Eve message on our YouTube page and I hope you and your family will take time to watch it and remember why we celebrate Christmas. 


I look forward to meeting with you in the New Year. God bless. 


Pastor Wes

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Christmas Musical

Christmas Musical 2021
A Baby Changes Everything


It is with great sadness that we are having to postpone the 2021 Christmas musical. Several choir and cast members have tested positive for COVID. Due to this we are having to postpone the Christmas Musical. Due to the timing and quarantine periods of this we don’t know when it will be rescheduled. Please check back here for more information.

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Dog Days of Summer Camp

Eternal Faith Baptist Church

Tuesday, July 27th – Thursday, July 29th

9:00 AM – 4:30 PM

Kinder – 5th Graders

We are so excited to be having our first ever children’s Summer camp at EFBC! We have a lot of fun things planned for the camp. There will be Bible lessons,  singing, crafts and  outdoor water activities.  The church will be furnishing lunch, plus a morning and afternoon snack. There is no charge to attend the camp. Each child will need to bring a swimsuit, towel, shoes that can get wet and sunscreen. They may also bring a blanket and pillow if they wish to do so.  


If you’d like for your child to attend or if you have any questions, please contact Pam Montague.


The registration forms are available below. If you have any question you call the church office (Monday –  Thursday, 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM or send an email to the following address

Children must be preregistered to attend, as we have limited numbers for  spaces available.

The deadline to register is Sunday, July 18th.

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Muffins with Mom

Muffins with Mom

Join us as we Honor Moms with a special time of fellowship


When: Sunday May 9th @ 9AM

Where: Eternal Faith Baptist Church

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Easter Sunday Service

EFBC Worship - Easter Sunday Service
A remarkable encounter with Christ requires an encounter with the resurrection. Mark 16:1-8

Audio Only

A remarkable encounter with Christ requires an encounter with the resurrection. Mark 16:1-8

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Christmas Musical – Come Home for Christmas

Christmas Musical - Come Home for Christmas

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Trunk or Treat 2020

Eternal Faith Baptist Church
Trunk or Treat 2020!!!

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It’s Official!!!! Eternal Faith calls Wes Hodges to be the new pastor!

Eternal Faith Baptist Church
Welcomes Wes Hodges.

More About
Wes Hodges

Pastor Wes Hodges grew up in Southern California, where he attended FBC Orange, CA. One night while preparing to go to sleep, he decided to pray. But it became clear to him that he had never asked Christ to forgive him of his sins and make Jesus his Lord and Savior. That night he prayed for Christ to forgive him and change his life. By the time he was in high school, he began leading Bible studies and became more and more convinced God was leading him to preach and teach. His passion for the church is for believers to grow in every way: To learn from Christ by developing their minds, to love like Christ by placing God first and treating others as good as they treat themselves, and to labor like Christ by making disciples. He pastored his first church in Utah. While helping another church in the area with their VBS, he met his wife Jennifer and they were married in 1994.

He moved to Texas and pastored churches in Corpus Christi and Kingsville while he taught English in public and private schools and finished his Master of Divinity at the Logsdon School of Theology at Hardin-Simmons University. In 2008, he planted a church in Utah before moving back to Texas and pastoring for the past 9 years at Cornerstone Baptist Church in Alice, Texas.

Wes and his wife Jennifer have two incredible daughters Emma (19), who is entering her third year of college as an education major, and Ellie (13), who enjoys art and computer games. 

Pastor Wes is an avid reader, a struggling writer, and an average guitar player who loves music. He is a life-long Los Angeles Lakers fan. But his greatest passion is to see lives changed as they are transformed by the Christian message.

“EFBC extends a warm welcome to Pastor wes and his family”

Recent Posts

Meet and Greet with Wes Hodges and Family

Meet the Hodges Family

Saturday, August 22nd @ 2 PM:


Meet & Greet for church members with the Hodges Family. 

Meet & Greet live streamed for those not able to attend in-person

The Pastor Search Team is looking forward to our members getting to know the Hodges family the weekend of August 22nd and 23rd. The church was asked to pray for our Pastor Search Committee and our new pastor. Now that we know who they are recommending, we ask each of you to prayerfully consider the candidate being recommended to the church to be our new pastor.
A Meet & Greet will be held at the church on Saturday August 22nd at 2:00 p.m. This will be an opportunity to hear from Wes and his family and to have a time of questions and answers. Because of the pandemic guidelines, it will be a “Town Hall” style meeting with the Hodges on the stage and members in the pews, which have already been marked appropriately to comply with social distancing. Additional seating and a live stream of the Meet & Greet will be provided in the Fellowship Hall. A live stream will also be available on the church website and on YouTube for those unable to attend in-person.

Wes Hodges



Pastor Wes is an avid reader, a struggling writer, and an average guitar player who loves music. He is a life-long Los Angeles Lakers fan. But his greatest passion is to see lives changed as they are transformed by the Christian message.

Pastor Wes Hodges grew up in Southern California, where he attended FBC Orange, CA. One night while preparing to go to sleep, he decided to pray. But it became clear to him that he had never asked Christ to forgive him of his sins and make Jesus his Lord and Savior. That night he prayed for Christ to forgive him and change his life. By the time he was in high school, he began leading Bible studies and became more and more convinced God was leading him to preach and teach. His passion for the church is for believers to grow in every way: To learn from Christ by developing their minds, to love like Christ by placing God first and treating others as good as they treat themselves, and to labor like Christ by making disciples. He pastored his first church in Utah. While helping another church in the area with their VBS, he met his wife Jennifer and they were married in 1994.

He moved to Texas and pastored churches in Corpus Christi and Kingsville while he taught English in public and private schools and finished his Master of Divinity at the Logsdon School of Theology at Hardin-Simmons University.

In 2008, he planted a church in Utah before moving back to Texas and pastoring for the past 9 years at Cornerstone Baptist Church in Alice, Texas. Wes and his wife Jennifer have two incredible daughters Emma (19), who is entering her third year of college as an education major, and Ellie (13), who enjoys art and computer games.

Watch Sermons on your TV

Watch Sermons on your TV


Smartphone / Tablet

Chrome Web Browser

Quick video of how to cast to your TV

What you will need:

(If you watch Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon on your TV you may already have casting capability.)

  • A cast device (some examples below)
    • Smart TV (Most SmartTVs after 2017 and later, may work on older tvs)
    • Roku (Starting at $29.99) – Avalable at Walmart, Amazon, and most electronics stores
    • Chromecast (Starting at $35) Avalable at Walmart, Amazon, and most electronics stores
    • Fire TV (Starting at 37.99) Avalable at Amazon, and most electronics stores
    • Apple TV (Starting at $150) Avalable at Walmart, Amazon, and most electronics stores

Cast video from Chromecast-enabled apps to your TV

Casting to your TV is a simple way to enjoy your favorite apps optimized for the big screen. You can even use your mobile device or tablet as a remote and control everything from playback to volume. Let’s get started!

Before you begin casting

  1. Connect your mobile device, tablet, or computer to a Wi-Fi network.
  2. The mobile device, tablet or computer you are using to cast must be on the same Wi-Fi network as your Chromecast or TV with Chromecast built-in. Note: To allow guests to cast without being on your Wi-Fi network, please read How to set up guest mode.
  3. You must be running the latest version of the Chromecast-enabled app. You can always double check that you are on the latest version by visiting the Google Play Store or Apple App Store and checking for any app updates.

Cast from Chromecast-enabled apps to your TV

  1. Make sure the mobile device, tablet or computer you are using to cast is on the same Wi-Fi network as your Chromecast or TV with Chromecast built-in. 
  2. Open a Chromecast-enabled app.
  3. Tap the Cast button . Note: The Cast button isn’t located in the same place on all Chromecast-enabled apps. 
  4. Tap the device you’d like to cast to.
  5. When you’re connected, the Cast button will turn color, letting you know you’re connected.
  6. You can now cast videos, movies and TV shows directly to your TV.
  7. To stop casting, tap the Cast button and then Disconnect.

Cast from Chromecast-enabled apps from iOS devices running iOS 13

  1. Make sure the mobile device, tablet, or computer you are using to cast is on the same Wi-Fi network as your Chromecast or TV with Chromecast built-in.
  2. Open a Chromecast-enabled app.
  3. If it requires location permissions, tap Yes.
    1. Some cast-enabled apps may request location permissions and may not be able to cast if location permissions are not granted.
  4. In the Chromecast-enabled app, tap the Cast button Inactive cast extension .
    1. The Cast button isn’t located in the same place on all Chromecast-enabled apps.
  5. Tap the device you’d like to cast to.
  6. If you’er unable to cast, you may need to wait for the Chromecast-enabled app to release a new version to support cast on iOS devices running iOS 13.

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